Lifelong learning centered on key competences …  change management in personal and professional life

1 September 2014- 30 August 2015



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Travel diary/5





The readers’ contribution from the libraries in Marta, Valentano (Italy) and LIT (Sweden)

What, why, how, when they read …





April 23 – May 4 2015



Contd travel diary 4


Monday, April 27 … Meeting with the team of the library in Lit

In addition to know each other better, the meeting turned out, from the start, a very positive opportunity to make an assessment of the work done in the previous months in the activities of job shadowing and to identify shared program guidelines and prospect future collaborations.

Among the points on which we have agreed we can highlight more 

  • the importance of public libraries especially in small towns, where they often constitute one of the few, if not the only cultural presidium
  • The importance of supporting a culture of lifelong learning in the area, through integrated projects and therefore the enhancement and optimization of resources and costs (synergies between the various actors involved in socio-educational and cultural sectors)




The Europe 2020 strategy for a smart, sustainable and inclusive growth acknowledges lifelong learning and skills development are key elements in response to the current economic crisis, to demographic aging and to the broader economic and social strategy of the European Union . Council resolution on a renewed European agenda for adult learning (2011 / C 372/01)



September 2014 In view of the creation of the network between Italy and Sweden, the project staff of C & C PROGRAMME with Bodil Henriksson Johansson, coordinator of the Geapolis mobility of staff at Vuxenskolan SV Jämtland, carried out a visit to the public library in Valentano.


visita a Valentano

September 2014 Visit at the library in Valentano


The meeting allowed us to identify points of contact and the possibility of joint working with the Public Library in Lit and with other cultural realities in Sweden, in synergy with Vuxenskolan in Östersund. We have therefore identified

some common values and aims

  • Promote a culture of lifelong learning and adult education in rural areas and in more marginal local contexts
  • Respond to the educational challenge of an aging population in Europe
  • Facilitate the development and dissemination of innovative practices in adult education

a scope of interest and action

  • The reading and cultural interests as privileged areas for lifelong learning in adulthood
  •  Reading to promote WELL-BEING in adulthood

some indicators for an innovative organizational model of development

  • Needs analysis at the service of the planning of the educational non formal and informal learning at the local level …
  • Designing and testing models and practices of integration between the various educational and cultural entities in the area to promote a culture of lifelong learning and quality and accessible to all



…. Freedom, prosperity and the development of society and of individuals are fundamental human values. They will only be attained through the ability of well-informed citizens to exercise their democratic rights and to play an active role in society. … The public library, the local gateway to knowledge, provides a basic condition for lifelong learning, independent decision making and cultural development of the individual and social groups ….

UNESCO Manifesto for public libraries



STEP 2 / Dicembre2014-March 2015

Design and suministración shared of the questionnaires aimed at adults to detect training needs, starting with the reference framework of key competences.

  • Needs analysis: processing and suministración questionnaires
  • Method of administration

The team work combined GEAPOLIS and Vuxenskolan SV JÄMTLAND could count on the collaboration of a professional and effective network of stakeholders put into operation in recent months in their territories …

Involvement of the stakeholders


The librarians Maria Grazia Dandolo and Irene Fedele (Public Library of Valentano and Marta) have been available for a mediating role with the users for the presentation of the purposes of the questionnaire and, more generally, the project C & C PROGRAMME. (Catchment area: Marta, Valentano Piansano, Cellere …)

Administration period: February-March 2015

The questionnaire (attached) questionario-febbraio-2015-CC-PROGRAMME-pdf (282 download)

Swedish network


The Public Library in Lit

The questionnaire (attached) Enka-t-februari-mars-2015-CC-SVENSKA.pdf (283 download)

STEP 3 / April -May 2015

  1. Analysis and processing of the data from the questionnaires
  2.  Monday, April 27: Visit at the library in Lit (Presentation of the results of the reading habits and styles of users of municipal libraries and Marta Valentano (Italy) and Lit (Sweden)


 to learn more

la-biblioteca-comunale-di-Marta.pdf (264 download)

La-biblioteca-comunale-di-Valentano.pdf (229 download)



Reading is the silent way when you let something talk again

Hans George Gadamer


Here are some of the most interesting results emerged from the analysis and from data provided by the questionnaires administered by the municipal libraries of Marta and Capodimonte in the months of February and March 2015 (Catchment area: Marta, Valentano Piansano, Cellere ) The informations provided relate to a target of adult readers, who usually attend the library.


The book which “saved” my life … testimonials …



Contribution 1 A young adult …

Although it is not my favorite book and it’s a book for youth I enjoyed “The Alchemist” by Paulo Coelho, especially because it speaks about the importance to prosecute once own “personal legend” not through a set pattern but as a natural path that is being carried out every day ..


Contribution 2

In every book I read I try to find the answers which over the years have not satisfied my questions … for this I love Siddarta .. it always helps …


Contribution 3

All books save lives


Contribution 4

Crime and Punishment … Do not be afraid to confront the dark side within us


Contribution 5

“The Solitude of Prime Numbers” .. I owe a lot to this book … I could not read anything since my son had suffered a serious accident. The book gave voice to a dull and gloomy pain, terrible … After I started to read, although in a different way …


Contribution 6

“To an Unknown God,” by John Steinbeck is the book that accompanied me in my troubled adolescence, followed by “The Moon and the Bonfires”, Cesare Pavese is the book of my early adulthood …

Contribution 7

A broken woman by Simone De Beauvoir … this book encouraged me to find the strength to get out of the pain of a sentimental and “traumatic” sudden rupture…




Entrance to the library in Lit (Detail)



Why do you read?

Indicate your most important motivation


I am seeking confirmation of my thoughts, my ideas 6%

Enriches me, it makes me learn new things, it keeps the mind alert 48%

It’s fantastic, I’m traveling with fantasy 10%

I like to immerse myself in the story, merge with the characters 16%

I do not know what else to do, it relaxes me, I do not think anything 5%

Become intimate with myself and / or know aspects of me 15%


Among the books you’ve read,

which is the book that you loved more


  1. Cent’anni di solitudine, Gabriel García Márquez
  2. Il nome della rosa, Umberto Eco
  3. Anna Karenina, Lev Tolstoj
  4. Guerra e pace, Lev Tolstoj
  5. L’insostenibile leggerezza dell’essere, Milan Kundera
  6. Ad un cerbiatto somiglia il mio amore, Grossman David
  7. Fuori da un evidente destino, G. Faletti
  8. Delitto e castigo, Fëdor Dostoevskij
  9. Siddartha , H. Hesse
  10. Furore, John Steinbeck


The book that you suggest to everyone


  1. Guerra e pace, Lev Tolstoj
  2. Il piccolo principe, Antoine de Saint Éxupery
  3. Linea d’ombra, Joseph Conrad
  4. Oceano Mare, A. Baricco
  5. Le città invisibili, Italo Calvino
  6. Neve sottile, Tanizaki Junichiro
  7. Il cuore selvatico del ginepro, Roggeri Vanessa
  8. Il gusto proibito dello zenzero, Ford Jamie
  9. Sant’Agostino, Le Confessioni
  10. La metamorfosi, Kafka


Astrid. L

Library in Lit: Information point (detail)


“She was nine years old and stood there all alone; she had neither mother nor father, and in the end this was not an atrocity so if you think that no one could tell her to go to sleep just as she enjoyed more or give her the cod liver oil when in fact she wanted some candies. Soon the news spread in the town that a nine year old girl was living all alone in Villa Villekulla. The goodwives were in agreement in saying that so you could not go on: in fact, all children must have someone who cares to their sermons, and all children must go to school to learn the multiplication table. So the goodwives decreed that this girl in Villa Villekulla should be put in college.

Pippy Longstocking by Astrid Lindgren



The habits and the tastes in reading library users of Martha and Valentano (Italy) and LIT (SWEDEN) … What, why, how, when they read

And more, among the most significant:

  • 67% of those who responded to questions claims to read every day (70% of library users in Lit)
  • 57% are aged between 40-60 years (45% over 60 years among users of the library in Lit)
  • 15% said they read more than 20 books in the last year (70% say they read more than 20 books in a year)
  • 28% say they have up to 100 books at home, while 7% say they have in the house a library with over 1000 books (40% say they have up to 100 books at home, while 10% say have in the house a library with over 1000 books from library users Lit)
  • 53% read fiction books, while 25% prefer non-fiction (70% read fiction books, while 20% prefer nonfiction between library users Lit)
  • 37% say that it is important to own the book you read (20% of library users Lit)
  • 83% say they have a book on the night table (70% of library users Lit)
  • 55% say that the books are to be read to the end if do not like them (this percentage rises to 75% among users of the library Lit)



Download the complete results of the survey

Results of questionnaires administered in cooperation with the libraries of Martha and Valentano

Risultati-questionario-feb.-2015-ITALIA.pdf (173 download)

Results of questionnaires administered in collaboration with the Library in Lit

SV-ok-svar-feb-2015-CC-SVENSKA.pdf (188 download)




from left, Bodil Henriksson Johansson, Elizabeth Palsson,  Axel Hedendal, Elisabet Jönsson, Iren KBerglund, Elizabeth Eriksson 



5. THE BEGINNING OF A COLLABORATION FOR building innovative learning environments

  • Would you like to cooperate in activities of exchange with libraries and Marta Valentano through the project Geapolis?


We are pleased to cooperate with you!

  • Conditions for such cooperation?


That it can be inserted in an integrated manner in the activities that already is realized

  • Have you already now some proposals to begin with …?

Thanks to the meeting jointly with the team of volunteers and to Geapolis we better understood the project C & C PROGRAMME and opportunities for collaboration that it promotes and urges. The first idea is to enable a study circle on the culture and the Italian literature that may be preparatory to a trip to Italy to enable us to better know the territory where Geapolis works. Also we would like to create an exchange with libraries in Marta and Valentano, which has as its focus the reading habits and tastes of the users. We commit ourselves to write down the most widely read books with a comment from the reader  to.

In autumn, with the start of the new school year, we will take contact with the school and with some teachers. We can then integrate our report with the reading preferences of children. Through the exchange we will have the opportunity to learn more about the reading habits of adults and children living in your territory.


Geapolis will allow us to consolidate the network and perhaps we might to be able to activate

a Italian-Swedish reading-circle!!



biblo logga vit

We offer a few tips to start reading and reviews offered by members of the library’s circle of Readers



Consigli-di-lettura-e-recensioni.pdf (219 download)

Just-nu-la-ser-jag-sv.pdf (227 download)




Library Lit, exterior



After the meeting we go to continue our visit ….

