Philippe Vallerand …

Philippe Vallerand is a 24 years old French-speaking. Quebecer livingin Montreal, with a bachelor’s degree in history. He is pursuing his master’s in classics at Universitéde Montréal, where he studies ancient British Roman history.

His research focuses on the logistical issues of the Second Century. His love of reading stems from his younger days of being scolded for reading the night away. A night owl through and through, he can still be found burning the midnight oil with his academic readings.

Nonetheless, literature remains one of his life passions, and he will gladly share his book recommendations, and get lost in his love of fantasy.

He believes that remaining young at heart and open-minded is at the core of any true literary understanding and appreciation…


Autunno in Québec: il fenomeno del foliage 


Une fortune est plus à l’abri dans une tête que dans un sac.   Félix Leclerc   


Le livre est une fenêtre par laquelle un petit voleur de six ans s’enfuit en important l’alphabet. Dany Laferrière 


Tout le monde parle! Le problème c’est qu’on trouve plus personne pour écouter! Fred Pellerin


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GUSTO… Con Philippe Vallerard… Dire Fare Gustare: Fast food v/Slow food clicca qui

TATTO… Con Philippe Vallerard…  Bullying “Too Scared For School” clicca qui

UDITO… Con Philippe Vallerard… Music and the mind clicca qui

OLFATTO… Con Philippe Vallerard… Wasted  CBC Documentary: humanize the people suffering from addiction clicca qui



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